Video Remote Interpreting Service Buying Guide


Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) is a cutting-edge communication method that allows businesses to break down language barriers in real time through video conferencing technology.

As globalization intensifies and businesses expand into new markets, the demand for efficient and effective communication across different languages has never been greater. VRI offers a solution that is both accessible and immediate, catering to the needs of today’s fast-paced business environment.

How VRI Can Cater For Your Business Needs?

VRI contributes to businesses in several key ways:

Increased Accessibility: VRI services enable businesses to provide immediate language support to clients and partners who are deaf or hard of hearing, or who do not speak the local language. This makes services more accessible to a wider audience.

Cost-Effective: Traditional in-person interpreting can be costly, considering travel and time expenses. VRI eliminates these costs, making it a more budget-friendly option without sacrificing the personal touch of face-to-face interaction.

Flexibility: With VRI, interpreters can be accessed on demand, allowing for flexibility in scheduling and the ability to respond to unexpected language needs quickly.

Cultural Competence: Professional interpreters are not only language experts but are also trained in cultural nuances, which can be crucial for businesses to avoid misunderstandings and build strong international relationships.

Scalability: As businesses grow, VRI services can be easily scaled to meet the increasing demands for language services across different time zones and locations.

Confidentiality and Security: VRI platforms typically offer secure connections, ensuring that sensitive business communications remain confidential.

Considerations for Purchasing VRI Services

When considering video remote interpreting services, there are several factors businesses should take into account:

Quality of Service: Ensure that the VRI service provides high-quality video and audio to facilitate clear communication. Test the service beforehand to check for any technical issues.

Interpreter Qualifications: Verify that the interpreters are certified and have expertise in the relevant industry to ensure accurate and professional interpreting.

Language Coverage: Consider whether the service offers a wide range of languages and dialects to meet current and future business needs.

Platform Usability: The VRI platform should be user-friendly, with a straightforward interface that allows users to connect to interpreters without difficulty.

Integration Capability: Check if the VRI service can be integrated with existing communication systems and devices within the business.

Availability: Look for services that offer 24/7 availability to accommodate different time zones and unforeseen language needs.

Customer Support: Good customer service is essential for addressing any technical issues quickly and ensuring seamless communication.

Compliance and Security: Ensure that the VRI service complies with industry standards and regulations, especially regarding data protection and privacy.

Cost Structure: Understand the pricing model, whether it is subscription-based or pay-per-use, and ensure it aligns with the business’s budget and frequency of use.

Trial Period: If possible, opt for a service that offers a trial period to assess the effectiveness of the VRI service in real-world business situations.

By carefully considering these factors, businesses can select a VRI service that not only enhances communication and accessibility but also supports their strategic goals. VRI is an investment in the global reach and operational efficiency of a business, and choosing the right service is paramount to leveraging its full potential. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, video remote interpreting stands out as an essential tool for businesses to thrive in a multilingual and multicultural marketplace.